A high discrepancy between documented and actual processes often results in loss of (internal) control, loss of process efficiency and insufficient understanding of bottlenecks and process flows. With the Process Health Check you can get total transparency of your processes.
Why focus on Process Effectiveness?
Actual process flows in an organization can extremely diverge from the processes as documented. Built-in (internal) controls may not be effective when official process flows are not maintained.
Insight in processes makes actors more aware of the actual process performance and offers opportunities for improvement.
The ‘Process Health Check’ is a solution to understand the “real world” process variances, which is fundamental to trigger process innovation and -improvement.
The Agilos Process Health Check for SAP®
We identify actual process flows in your organization using Agilos/ProcessGold Process Mining preparation templates.
We analyze the output, throughput and compliance with standard processes powered by SAP®.
We offer proposals to improve the effectiveness of your standard processes powered by SAP®: reliability of information, process cost and process effectiveness.
Health Check Areas
The Process Health Check helps you to detect issues in Process Effectiveness in the following areas:
- Process Design
- Process Governance
- Process Road blocks
- Process Costs
- Process Performance
- Transparency about all critical areas within your process
- Clear and transparent reports on all issues detected
- Short lead time: 1-2 weeks, depending on required level of testing and reporting
- Proposals for improving process governance and project effectivess