An integrated reporting solution for risk analysis and control.

Identify, analyze, control

You will be able to identify the risk situation in your SAP-system landscape at a glance.

Our unique associative analysis approach enables flexible analyses of the audit results in the intuitive interface. Continuous Internal Controls Monitoring guarantees the analysis of aggregated key figures down to the granular level thanks to an extremely powerful system using in-memory technology.

Our solution offers scheduling and automatic execution of any predefined compliance report and has it routed to predefined users. When integrated with Workflow functionality, a documented review is ensured for audit purposes. Report on sensitive role and profile assignments, invalid logon attempts or initial passwords, user or role changes over a given period, and more.


  1. Simplified analyses
  2. Automatically monitor transaction executions for each user
  3. Remediate compliance issues, help scope upgrades
  4. Save significantly on licensing costs by optimizing and redistributing SAP® licenses between users